Friday, April 1, 2011

Birthday Bliss

Whew, Lord have mercy it has been a whole week since I have said hello to you all my lovely friends, how I have missed you...Happy Friday again! I hope everyone has something wonderful planned for the weekend. I had a wonderful Friday Feature planned for you this week but have been slammed and don't have the time that this wonderful designer deserves so stayed tuned next week for someone very special! 
My birthday is next week, April 5th and birthdays to me are a big deal (it is your one special day, right?) and since I do love celebrating for days, well maybe weeks I thought I would have a little blog celebration.
It also happens to be the 1 year anniversary of Life of Style so I thought I would dedicate my post today to this wonderful year, all of my family, friends, and the wonderful people (old and new) in my life who have helped me become the person that I am. 
You inspire me everyday to be the person that I am, encouraging me to learn more, to take risks, and dream big... for that, thank you. I have learned more about myself and others this year through this blog. Life of Style which was intended to be Lifestyle but the name was already taken, has given me a voice, so much more than I ever anticipated, and fulfilled me in ways that I hardly can believe...yes, this would be my Oscar acceptance speech, thank you very much.
On that note, it is Friday, let the party begin and I look forward to another fulfilling year with you in my life! 

Images courtesy of  Tim Walker and Pinterest


  1. you think we can borrow that chandelier for next week??

  2. Happy Birthday Elizabeth and Life of Style ! Hope you have a fun day.... or week (I believe in bday weeks)

  3. Look at you in that GOWN! Gorgeous!! Happy Birthday!!!!

  4. just blogging and this my lucky day ♥ ♥ so today is your day? Happy Birthday :D, nice blog hope your dream come true ♫ ♫

    Greeting from Gina

  5. Have a fabulous birthday, Elizabeth!

  6. Thank you my loves, looking forward to a fun day tomorrow!

  7. Happy birthday!! And happy one year anniversary. I hope you had a wonderful birthday! I love reading your blog - it's one of my absolute faves!
