Friday, August 26, 2011

Island Chic

I am back, sorry to be away so long! I promise with school in session there will be some time in my life to dedicate to the blog.
 Where to start, earthquakes, broken bones, 1st grade, and now a monster lady looming over the Atlantic named Irene ready to tear some you know what up?! Really what is new in your life? 
Living a few hours from the NC coast hurricanes are always an imminent threat during the season. Our coastal communities have been rocked in years past and today in the calm before the storm I am saying a big prayer for all those along the Eastern coast.
8 years ago this September my husband and I dodged a bullet with hurricane Isabel when we were married in Atlantic Beach, NC. It was all such a blur to me, seeing the storm on the radar, having the wedding, thankfully not having to reschedule our honeymoon because the hurricane had already passed through, but while in the French West Indies (St. Barths) of all  places there was the Atlantic Beach pier being rocked! Thankfully everyone was okay back home but whew, I bet some bride is having the same crisis about her wedding tomorrow, poor thing.

I just picked up this copy In the Spirit of St. Barth's by Pamela Fiori and have enjoyed flipping through the pages and reminiscing about the time we spent there...oh I would love to go back! Yes, it gets a lot of celebrity hype but we definitely were not there during peak season and its charm was still like no other. It is that place I think of when I imagine giving it all up here and living the island life although my French might need a little work. 
This cottage high on a hill above St. Jean Bay, designed by Barry Dixon is not too shabby. What a wonderful view.

Photography by Tria Giovan for Coastal Living

All my friends Happy Friday and Batten down the Hatches! 

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